Do you “Dream”? What a stupid question. We all do dream of becoming like our role models or achieving something big and different. But I dream every night a new dream sometimes a G8 star, or a musician, or a Businessman, or a Farmer (living peacefully – hopefully) or an Investor and list will go on and on. Stupid na “kya karu vo to mai hu hi” ..wait wait ...I mean S.T.U.P.I.D (Smart Talented Unique Person In Demand) ;)
I gave a deep thought why do we want to be always great and not do something very common like be a teacher, or a farmer, or a social worker or a small trader and get a descent living and find happiness in little things. Why always my mind continuously think of doing something which will make me all of a sudden a “big man” (so called), who has all the power and money in the world. I always thought of becoming a big tycoon so that I could sleep well without any worries. But this is practically difficult, the more you climb up the ladder of the system the more responsible you are for guiding others. It is more stressful and need more alertness even to perform small activities, there are more sleepless night thinking of next steps that you should consider. This reminds me of the 80-20 rule. What is 80-20 rule ? According to Pareto's Principle 80% of income in world went to 20% of the population which slowly got applied to all the things, and in world of dream I would say that 80% of the people keep dreaming of becoming big while those 20% who become big, don't keep dreaming they work hard with full passion without any fear for what they believe in and thus they are successful in achieving their dream. So why can't every body do that, I want to become big I am ready to put time to hard work, smart work, full dedication, passion, compassion, out of box thinking, Self-actualization (assume all sort of words which are written in book of motivation) ….haaan now one more quote comes to my mind ….
There you go “Habit” that’s the key, Habit is what keeps you going. Because once we get motivated we also start working on our dream but then we are not persistent and we give it up at some point or the other. Why don't we survive? There are ups and downs in every activity. When we face hurdles on our way we should strive hard to overcome them. Now you will say ... “What rubbish” … we all know that. Don't we? Yes we all know but I was going through one of the blog article and I read that it states that it takes 10000 hours to master in any particular thing... be it trading....or singing… or playing guitar...that’s what it takes to be an expert in any field. To become a master or expert of any subject it needs practice of 10000 hrs. So lets say you are working on your dream and spend on an average of 5 hrs a day. So it will take you approximately 2000 days or 6-8 years to become a professional/expert/master. Assuming you are fully dedicated and do spend 5 hrs a day.
Now you see the 80 - 20 reality... most of us would give up on our dreams may be after 2-3 years because most of us either get frustrated or disillusioned or the hurdles are dominant. So here comes the role of “Habit”, yes we all should have a habit of not leaving our goal and develop a countdown of 10000 hrs. Habit is what turns into the action of those 20% great people which makes them Master in their work. We should have the habit which should keep us driving till the completion of 10000 hrs. “Habit is Fuel to dreams on the journey of success.”
So, start your countdown towards the 10000 hrs.
Vipin Rathi
Comments / Critics / thoughts welcome this will motivate me to write more.